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Text Comparison Analysis

Business Challenge: In order to evaluate a newly launched product and competitor's product in the market, it is a challenging task for a business to have a thorough know how about the strengths and weaknesses of products based on reviews.

  • Language
  • Models
    Deep Learning Models, Natural Language Processing
  • Cloud
  • Address
    United States


By performing a review analysis on the competitor's product review, a better comparison can be performed about the strengths and weaknesses of the product that a company wants to launch in a market.

AI Engine Results:

By applying pre-processing, linguistic preprocessing, sentiment analysis, clustering, topic modelling .and summarization of the reviews of competitors product and comparing the result with own product.


A report would be generated that would give in-sights about the strengths and weaknesses of the product as compared with the reviews of competitors product

Client Success:

The client would be in a better position to make further improvements in their product.
